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Aluminium Frames & Light Boxes

Heading 5

AND 23

Anodized Aluminium 12cm Width

It accepts AND1-2 & 5

AND 4/5

Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame, 45mm Width

Accessories: Corners - Springs


Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame, 34mm Width

Accessories: Corners - Springs

AND 13

Anodized Aluminium

Accessories: Corners

- Springs

AND 2/3

Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame. width 34mm

Accessories: Corners -Springs

AND 1/3

Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame. width 34mm

Accessories: Corners

- Springs

SG 3/4

Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame. width 10mm

Accessories: Corners

Bar length: 3.4m

AND 11/12

Anodized Aluminium

Snap frame. width 25mm

Accessories: Corners

- Springs

AND 11/12

With Silver corners

and 24-B.png

AND 24

Double sided Aluminium profile.

It accepts AND 1,2 5.

This easy open frame it is illuminated 

by 2 rows of LED lamps.

Depth of the box is 4 cm

Zero frame.png


Our New frameless profile.

It has 6cm depth and uses an

one cm rubber ribbon 

New light frame.png
AND 11-12 with coloured corners.png
AND 42-43.png

AND 42/43

New Snap Frame.

Width 38 mm

AND 46-50.png

Extremely  light

custom made 

Promotional frame.


Aluminium Snap frame with PCV and vinyl

AND 46/50

New Extremely Slim Light Box 18mm is the frame width & 15mm is the depth including the lighting & the Snap Frame.

Ideal for small elegant  & attractive boxes

AND 45/50

New Extremely Slim Light Box 18mm is the frame width & 15mm is the depth including the lighting & the Snap Frame.

Ideal for small elegant  & attractive boxes. This profile is not curved like the 45/50

AND 52.png
AND 45-50.png

AND 52

Specially made for decor purposes. It accepts LED light without the 
need of a plastic cover.
A cheaper alternative to the similar products in the market.

new zero frame 10CM (1).png

AND 56

NEW double sided Strong Aluminium Zero frame 10cm width. 

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